What game are you most looking for next year?
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]What game are you most looking for next year?
Resident Evil 5 as far as I know won't be coming out until 2009 at the least.Moving on to the nextfew games on my list: Super Smash Bros. Brawl, No More Heroes, and Mario Kart Wii.Off-topic: Why would you need to bump a thread you posted two minutes ago?Edit: I forgot Starcraft II!!! :evil:
GTA, Army of two, NG2 and Devil may cry 4
I bumped it because it didn't show up on the forum board, and I think you may be right Techno about Resident Evil, my bad.
In terms of what actually stands the best chance of releasing next year, definitely Mafia 2 as of now.[QUOTE=''masterjojo3'']Personaly, GTA and Resident evil
[/QUOTE]It's already been confirmed by the developer that RE5 won't arrive until 2009 the earliest.
Fable 2!
GTA4, Starcraft 2 and Warhammer online.
oh and DoW:Soulstorm
Fallout 3, if it comes out.
Ninja Gaiden 2 and Burnout Paradise.
Resident evil 5, GTA4, and army of two are all gonna be sick.
fuel of war and endwar
Gray Matter. No More Heroes also looks great.
Spore will hopefully be incredible.
I'm seriously hoping Spore, Age of Conan, Warhammer, GTA4 and Starcraft 2 live up to the INSANE amount of hype.
MGS4 and little big planet. but not much news of games are announced yet so we'll see what comes up.
StarCraft II. It and maybe Spore are probably going to be the only two games I ''need'' and most likely will be playing in 2008.
GTA IV comes to mind. And also the world of warcraft expansion return of the lich king....which I'm not sure if its coming out any time next year or not. I haven't checked up on it much lately.
Oboro Muramasa Youtoden!
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