Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rockband Victim of Piracy (old school style)

It's nice to know the old kind of pirates are still out there, actually having to perform some physical tasks to seize their booty.,1,768024.story?track=rssFrom this morning's LA Times.''One of this year's hottest video games got hotter last weekend, when highway bandits near the City of Industry hijacked a truck carrying more than 1,000 copies of ''Rock Band'' and the electronic musical instruments that accompany it, authorities said Wednesday.''Rockband Victim of Piracy (old school style)
*swings in on chandelier*


Edit: Fixed for pirateness.Rockband Victim of Piracy (old school style)
They are going to be so mad when they get back to their hideout and find that there are no pirate ballads in Rock Band.
Hmmm... This sounds like something a jedi pirate would do...
[QUOTE=''juradai''] Hmmm... This sounds like somthing a jedi pirate would do... [/QUOTE]I don't want him seizing my booty.
[QUOTE=''rragnaar'']They are going to be so mad when they get back to their hideout and find that there are no pirate ballads in Rock Band.[/QUOTE]Or when the guitars don't work. :PDang, this demands that I play ''Captain Hampton'' by the Aquabats.
I feel sorry for 1,000 would-be owners of the game this Christmas. Selfish punks.
[QUOTE=''juradai'']Hmmm... This sounds like something a jedi pirate would do... [/QUOTE]

I wonder if Pirate Yoda would use this keyboard?

:lol: the escape key says 'Avast'I find it funny that modern pirates are hijacking things on 'high-WAYS' instead of the 'high seas'.....sorry..I couldn't help myself...
The Highway speed of Piracy. Now how come companies don't complain about these pirates anymore!!!
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