Are M games better than other games?
Pure coincidence which is probably related to the vast number of shooters released recently. A game can be of any rating and be good or bad. Quality has nothing to do with rating and everything to do with developer creativity and effort.Are M games better than other games?
I wouldnt say M games are better than T or E games, but THere are a lot more possibilities for gameplay in an M game.
Depends on the game. Is Mortal Kombat better than Street Fighter III? Of course not, the original Mortal Kombat was a piece of crap! Is Postal better than Goldeneye 007? NO, Postal's awful and as good at what it sets out to do as Gex 64. Is GTA3 better than Crackdown (I think that's T)? Yea, it has more charm and allows me to fly a tank across the bridge to the second island :P.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''ThePostalWorker'']lol no one so far read the first post. goes to show you what people on gamespot do[/QUOTE]actually I just had no idea wtf you were talking about when you said the 'hydrogen' thing. I thought you were trying to show an example or something but you just kinda threw it out there and it confused me.Anyway, no, it's just a coincidence, especially with ESRB rating things M that don't need to be.
No. It all depends on the consumers' tastes. I played more M games than T and E, but most of my favorite games are rated K-A. Then again, I'm a 16-bit fan. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there more M games being developed nowadays than T and E games?
Hydrogen. I will play whatever I think is fun. I don't know, It always seemed to me that the Developers could do more of what they wanted in an M game/express themselves better. lol Idk
[QUOTE=''skatatay'']I wouldnt say M games are better than T or E games, but THere are a lot more possibilities for gameplay in an M game.[/QUOTE]That's what I think it is. There are less restrictions, both in accessability and content...still, some of my favorite games are T or E rated.
[QUOTE=''ThePostalWorker'']lol no one so far read the first post. goes to show you what people on gamespot do[/QUOTE]Or it could just be the fact that your bad grammar, sentense structure, and lack of punctuation was too difficult to decypher for most people, so rather then catch on to what you were trying to do, they skimmed over it and ignored it.Anyway, I wouldn't say ''M'' games are better then others, but I do think a lot of really talented developers that produce high-quality games lean towards content that could be considered mature. Not to mention, gamers are generally more critical of adult-oriented games, as they expect the quality to be higher because the game is aimed at an older, more intelligent audience. However, this isn't always the case -take Halo 3, which is rated ''M''. It's definitely not aimed at older, more intelligent gamers.But still, I don't think the rating has anything to do with it. I just think the majority of theguys who make the good games like to make games that they want to play, and since the people who make the games are usually 18-50+, that means they're going to want to make ''M'' games.
To all those who say yes to the topic line:
Seeing as how the ESRB makes any game with blood in it M rated, there are so few games that are E or T these days, but in the end I don't think this matters. Mario and sports and driving games are still good.
[QUOTE=''SentientGames''][QUOTE=''ThePostalWorker'']lol no one so far read the first post. goes to show you what people on gamespot do[/QUOTE]Or it could just be the fact that your bad grammar, sentense structure, and lack of punctuation was too difficult to decypher for most people, so rather then catch on to what you were trying to do, they skimmed over it and ignored it.Anyway, I wouldn't say ''M'' games are better then others, but I do think a lot of really talented developers that produce high-quality games lean towards content that could be considered mature. Not to mention, gamers are generally more critical of adult-oriented games, as they expect the quality to be higher because the game is aimed at an older, more intelligent audience. However, this isn't always the case -take Halo 3, which is rated ''M''. It's definitely not aimed at older, more intelligent gamers.But still, I don't think the rating has anything to do with it. I just think the majority of theguys who make the good games like to make games that they want to play, and since the people who make the games are usually 18-50+, that means they're going to want to make ''M'' games.[/QUOTE]sentenceI'm sorry, that was imature on my part. I was just trying to do a little experiment, but I agree my post made it difficult. I'll clean up my OP and delete my second post. And thank you for the on-topic reply, as I am truly trying to begin an interesting disscussion.
Imo, M games can be better, story wise, they can be more relaistic, like a movie or even real life in the way interactions...e.g. everyone swears and more ;). But tbh i think its coinsidence..
M games can still suck.
Was Super Mario Galaxy or Portal rated M?
i dont think its coincidence, i think that you have more freedom, and have more room for expression, think of it this way, do you think that south park would be as good as if it was rated tv-14?
[QUOTE=''Godofnerdyness'']M games can still suck.[/QUOTE]no doubt, lol love your sig ;)
It's just a coincidence.
[QUOTE=''Technoweirdo'']Was Super Mario Galaxy or Portal rated M?[/QUOTE]Call of Duty 4, Crysis, Assassain's Creed, the rest of the Orange Box, Bioshock, Halo 3, RE4 Wii, Gears of War PC, and Unreal Tournment 3.vs.Portal, SMG, WiC, and Rockband
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